Transformational Residencial
15 days to a month, for a deeper transformation...
We have created the Transformational Residential with the goal of providing a more complete transformational experience. The intention is to create a safe space during a period of time, to question everything, from our sense of identity, the past and all the ideas to which we are attached to, mainly those that limit us, so we can look at Life through a different perspective. This program is definitely not for everyone, as it requires a great dedication and surrender, without which no profound transformation can occur, but the potential is very big.
For those who want to participate in this adventure within, meditation will be a fundamental practice, not just as a relaxation, but mainly as a means to discover our true essence beyond the mind. What stays when the mind stops and the body dissolves? I am still here, but who is this I?
The mind will also play an important role in the process, because we will use it to discriminate and deepen self-knowledge. We will do some contemplation exercises, with a scientific approach, to question the reality of our habitual identification with the body and mind.
All interior work will also be accompanied with work outside, in order to provide active moments of presence, sometimes in silence, according to the needs of the community at the time, and also respecting the preference of each one.

These are some of the activities you can choose to participate:
- Daily guided meditations
- Participation in conscious conversations
- Contemplation exercises
- Conscious Parenting
- Permaculture, Agroforestry, Gardening
- Access to our library
- Learning about grey and black waters treatment system
- Learning about alternative solar energy
- Learning about compost and natural manure
- Harvest of seasonal fruits and edible plants
- Preparation and tasting of mainly organic and vegetarian food
- Walks in nature
- Tibetan bowl massages (by donation).
Prices / Person
according to the type of accommodation and length of the stay
Hobbit House
2 weeks
3 weeks
1 month
Double bed
2 weeks
3 weeks
1 month
Double or Simple Tent
- The duration can be adjusted accordingly to the availability and interest (we recommend a minimum of 2 weeks).
- We do not cover work insurance, it is up to you to take one.
- Vegetarian food and mainly organic included.
- Children until 2 years old won't pay and from 2 to 10 only pay half the price.
- If you need us to take you or pick you up from the nearest bus stop (Catraia de Mouronho), we charge € 15 for the journey.
- If your financial condition does not allow you to bear the prices we suggest, send us an email saying why you would like to spend time with us, what your motivations are and we will try to find together a solution that works for both parties.
- If the values seem good to you and in the end you feel inspired to leave a donation for our project, it will be much appreciated, as we still have a lot to grow to better receive and accommodate those who visit us, especially after the fires of October 2017.